As your business expands and your client base grows, it may be difficult to reach every single client, especially when service issues arise.
That could be problematic because it can do two things.
- It can affect your retention
- It can affect potential business growth later since you’re not receiving referrals due to broken client experiences.
So, you may be considering adding an assistant to your team that can help you with backend support.
Here are a few things to consider as you contemplate this.
Three approaches to administrative support
Of course the first approach is to consider hiring a family member. In hiring a family member, you are hiring someone that you trust and someone that will keep the best interest of you and your clients top of mind. However, if this person is not familiar with the Medicare industry, they will require extensive training and you may not have the bandwidth to provide it.
Perhaps you go a different route and hire someone with experience- someone that does have industry experience and can help you right away. This is a more logical choice, but you will have to provide this person with a salary and additional benefits along with the proper tools to support you. If you’re not in a place to do this financially, this becomes a less ideal choice.
The third option is one that hasn’t been available to Medicare agents, but now is something that they can take advantage of. Oh and it comes at no cost as well.
This route is working with Spark Advisors. With Spark, you receive a tool called the Spark Platform that allows you to delegate tasks to a group of non-licensed professionals. Think of it as a personal health concierge for your clients. This experience enhances your ability to solve client concerns with the support of a back office team while you can focus on what you do best- developing strong relationships with your clients and community.
How does it work?
In the Spark platform, you can create a support request on varying client concerns such as billing, appointment scheduling, and even plan research (see more here). If you want to be the superhero, our team can research on behalf of your client and provide you the outcome to share with your client or our team can engage with your client and help them every step of the way.
So far, helping the agent’s clients has led to our team receiving a satisfaction score of 95. This has given us the confidence to continue to improve the client experience to help agents achieve high retention and more importantly, a best-in-class client journey.
A new and better approach
Spark was created out of necessity for supporting Medicare agents that do not have the capacity to do it all in running their business. With our technology and services, we are not here to replace agents, rather, we are here to collaborate with them to help their business grow, provide a great consumer experience, and to make the Medicare industry better for everyone!

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