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How Spark's platform drove historic production—and why carriers are so excited
Sam Wiener
January 21, 2025
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January is the month that I look forward to the most at Spark. 

As a new NMA, it’s thrilling to see the reactions from carrier partners during our AEP debriefs — they’re not used to seeing this type of trajectory. Nothing energizes me like their reactions to our growth from the previous year.

Like any good executive, I start by showing off the hockey stick charts. This was truly a record- setting AEP for Spark:

  • 5,688 RTS agents heading into AEP 2025 (+147% from AEP 2024)
  • 87,700 submitted Medicare Advantage enrollments, (+176% from AEP 2024) 

In just four years, we’ve built a platform that truly makes agents more productive — a conclusion I’m incredibly proud to share after hearing countless stories about hours saved, dollars earned, and lives changed.

We can’t take credit for all of the productivity improvements that we’re seeing: we work with the most ambitious agents in the industry. However, those who leverage the Spark platform materially increase their enrollment volume year-over-year. Let’s dig into the numbers:

The average agent writes 20 enrollments in their first year at Spark. This increases to 34 enrollments in their second year, and 53 in their third.

The average agent roughly increases their annual production by 15 enrollments each year they partner with Spark!

When we look at the average production of all Spark agents over the last three years, we see the same hockey stick growth:

  • 2022: 8.7 enrollments per agent
  • 2023: 17.6 enrollments per agent
  • 2024: 29.8 enrollments per agent

Tying this story into AEP debriefs with carriers is critical. I spent 6 years negotiating NMA contracts at Oscar Health and, let me tell you, carriers won’t agree to a transfer of enrollment volume from one entity to another. It's an additional administrative load to maintain and it frustrates relationships that you’ve worked hard to establish. 

But the Spark AEP debriefs are different. Yes, the growth is unprecedented, but the fact that it’s entirely organic — not driven by a single acquisition — is the most exciting part.The numbers don’t lie: agents become more productive the longer they work with Spark.

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